We are fortunate, at St. Lawrence, to have access to some great Physical Education resources and facilities, within school and the local area. We are extremely proud to be in the position to take every child swimming, in a small ability group with a specialist swimming teacher, throughout their time in school.
We aim to make sport accessible to all children by developing their physical skills and providing opportunities to practise skills in a wide range of team sports and individual sporting activities, which lead to regular competitive opportunities with local schools.
All children take part in a competitive fun sports day during the summer term.
A wide range of extra-curricular sporting activities are provided by staff throughout the year.
PE is delivered in several ways at St Lawrence.
- Opportunities are planned to allow children to develop FUNDAMENTAL movement skills in EYFS and KS1 alongside striking and fielding, invasion games, athletics, swimming, gymnastic and dance skills in KS2.
- Planning and teaching is developing and improving by purchasing silver level from TRUSTED sports partnership. This consists of one morning PE teaching from a PE specialist. This is used as CPD for St Lawrence teaching staff. On TRUSTED’s recommendation, we have subscribed to ‘Get set 4 PE’, a resource to support the planning and workload of teachers. This has been well received by all teachers and is used regularly. It also includes extra resources to support active learning and active playground time.
- Chance to shine, a cricket charity, have delivered cricket coaching to all classes in school during the Autumn & Spring term.
- A balanced long-term plan has been created that gives pupils a range of experiences and builds a progression of skills.
- After-school clubs cater for those who want to play a range of sports
- Inter-school competition has begun again this year and we have taken part in all the festivals and competitions run by the school games providers. During the Autumn term these have included-
- Cross Country races at CMV for Y1 & 2, Y3 & 4, Y5 & 6 – we took all our children to compete.
- KS1 Invasion Games event – Badger class participated
- High 5 Netball league – 2 teams took part
- An inclusion event for reluctant or SEND children allowed them to try Archery, Boccia and Curling
- Indoor Athletics – Girls team won and will represent South Shropshire at the county school games in May. Boys came third
- Indoor Cricket – Team won recent competition at CSS which was run by the Shropshire Cricket board.
- Swimming is uniquely taught in half class, ability groups on a fortnightly basis. This is a strength of the school and was positively commented on by the OFSTED inspector, who was a PE lead, at our last inspection. We retained the South Shropshire Swimming Gala trophy this summer.
- Several year 6 children have taken part in the bronze ambassador’s sports scheme, delivered by the TRUSTED sports partnership, and have since run a Boccia competition for the Oak class.
- A schedule of outdoor adventurous activities is carefully planned and developed. These involve orienteering activities, forest school activities such as shelter building, annual day hikes on the Longmynd and residential camps:
- Year 4, a one-night local camp
- Year 5, a 2-day residential at the Pioneer centre
- Year 6 spend a whole week at Arthog.
- Children have experienced a wide range of sports and active activities in both a competitive and non-competitive format.
- Children receive a balanced PE experience through careful planning which has been further developed through the specialist teaching and Get Set 4 PE resource which has been purchased.
- Swimming data comparisons
- Swim 25m unaided – National = 72% School = 94%
- Swim using a range of strokes – National = 56% School = 94%
- Perform safe self-rescue – National = 34% School = 97%
- Opportunities are given to more able children to take part in competitive festivals and events.
- South Shropshire Swimming Gala – Champions
- SDG group Cross-Country event – Top three placings in all races
- High 5 Netball – team 1 -4th in league, team 2 6th in league
- All children take part in at least two sports events through the year.
- Children regularly receive their active entitlement
- Pathways are provided to take sporting opportunities further through links with local clubs
Click here for PE progression document
Click here for PE Subject Overview