Our Governing Body

The Role of Governors:

The Governing body is the educational equivalent to a company’s Board of Directors or a charity’s Board of Trustees. The purpose of the governing body is to help the school provide the best possible education for its pupils.

Its main roles are: to ensure accountability; to provide a strategic view and to act as a critical friend. The key areas in which they are involved are the curriculum, and the educational success of the school, finance, staffing, and other general roles such as being an interface between the school and parents and the community.

The Governing body acts as a group. Individual governors have no power outside the governing body and cannot act on behalf of the governing body unless authorised to do so. Formally the governing body meets as a whole once a term and individual governors are also on one or two committees (Curriculum, or Finance, Safeguarding and General Purposes). Informally the governors take a great interest in the school, helping in a variety of ways and supporting all that goes on.

For more information on how the governing board helps the school, please refer to the governors' 'Code of Conduct linked below.

Governor membership, roles, term dates, and appointment can be found on the Gov.uk site here: St Lawrence CofE Primary School - Gov.uk

Governor Committees 2022/23 


  • Steve Redmond (Chair)
  • Emily Russell
  • Alan Brannen 
  • Steve Johnson 
  • James Brown
  • Kirsty Sloan 

Finance and all Purpose (inc. health & safety and safeguarding)  

  • Rob Davis (Chair) 
  • Alan Brannen 
  • Colette Morris 
  • Debbie West 
  • Emily Russell 
  • Angie Walshaw

Salaries/Performance Management

  • Emily Russell 
  • Debbie West 
  • Kirsty Sloan


  • Esme Turner
  • Emily Russell 
  • Colette Morris
  • Angie Walshaw


  • Steve Johnson
  • Steve Redmond
  • Kirsty Sloan

Pupil Discipline and Exclusions

  • Rob Davis 
  • Esme Turner
  • Angie Walshaw

Staff Discipline and Dismissals

  • Esme Turner
  • Emily Russell
  • Angie Walshaw

SEND, LLAC, PLAC and Safeguarding Pupil premium 

  • Esme Turner
  • Debbie West 

Website Audit GDPR Audit Policies and procedures Audit

  • Emily Russell
  • Steve Redmond
  • Esme Turner 

Eco School Link Governors 

  • Esme Turner  
  • Emily Russell